The R.I. Lampus Company partners with contractors at all stages of the business. Get to know a second-generation business owner, Michael Gallucci from Gallucci Landscaping, to learn more about his company and what his journey has been like from the beginning.
Name: Michael Gallucci
Company Name: Gallucci Landscaping LLC
Years in business: Business started in 1971, I am second generation owner - 2007
1. Why and how did you get into the Hardscape business?
We ventured into the hardscape and construction end of things as a way to better serve our customers as a “one-stop shop” for transforming their homes. Our hardscape end of the business started as your general small driveway retaining walls, to small walkways and patios, and now has blossomed into full-blown backyard retreats. The part of the hardscape element which I enjoy the most is the unlimited variations and creativity one can use to transform a customer’s backyard.
2. Hardest lesson learned while in business?
The hardest (yet most valuable) lesson that I’ve learned in business is to complete every job in the most professional and quality manner. Sometimes as an owner (and operator) you’re dealing with difficult clients, missed deadlines, missed profit margins, etc. and it is easy to want to rush through to complete the project to a) get away from the tough customer b) try and save your timelines c) push through and make a profit… all of these items are shortsighted and can really reflect negatively on your business. The projects we are building are items that the customer will live with for a lifetime and they are huge financial undertakings - the projects need to be completed to the best of your company’s ability (no matter the circumstance).
3. One goal for the next building season?
To continue to build upon the skill level of my guys and coach them to do more independently. Step back more to allow the guys to work a greater portion of the projects without me onsite.
4. Top suggestion for a new guy getting into the field?
I would suggest against it. There are tons of sleepless nights and a great deal of stress, plus tons of sacrifices that are made after the day ends which you are juggling. Come work for me instead - we’ll make it worth your while.
5. Favorite project to date?
This is truly a tough one. I honestly don’t know that I could pick just one. I definitely have one from each year from which I could choose, but one project over the course of the business is extremely tough. For me, a huge weighing factor on the overall love of the project is actually the clients and how they interact with me and the guys. It is so great when customers release the reigns and allow for creative freedoms and changes on the fly. Also, coffee and donuts for the crew tend to make everyone go above and beyond (even more than normal) for those clients which in turn makes their projects at the top of our favorites list.
6. Favorite Lampus product?
Rosetta Outcropping. We love the flexibility of the design and the realistic textures of the block. Also, the speed of installation doesn’t hurt either.
7. When you are not working, what is a hobby or favorite pastime you have?
I love to spend time with my wife and daughters (5 and 2 years old). Any outing or event in which we are making memories is all I need for a great day. Other than that I like to fish for Steelhead, Trout, and Salmon in the rivers of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.