The future of storm-water management is an increasingly important and essential topic within the construction and building industry. Because of this importance, multiple initiatives have been set in place to improve the infiltration within outdoor spaces. One of the ways this is being done is through the use of permeable materials. Because of this, permeable pavers, especially, have become a more considerable material used in hardscape projects.

Permeable paving systems are pavers that have appropriate joint spacing to allow water to infiltrate at a rate for adequate drainage. Infiltration rates jump as joint size increases. So, the bigger the joint, the faster water can make its way through the outdoor space and potentially into the ground. Permeable paver joint fill is typically a washed stone, granite chips, or other small open-graded material that allows for water to completely infiltrate the joints and enter into the underlying base material. This is vastly different than a traditional paver installation where all water is kept on the surface with the use of polymeric sand in the joints.

There are multiple benefits of permeable pavers. These types of pavers are classified as eco-friendly. Water can be stored and repurposed in stormwater management systems making them helpful in creating recyclable water sources. Since geothermal heat transfers easier through clean stone than course/dense-graded stone, these pavers heat up quicker. This assists in the maintenance of ice and snow in the wintertime and during freeze-thaw cycles.

Permeable pavers add a new level of versatility to the hardscape arena as well. They can be used in many applications like walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots, and more. Many contractors are also finding installations to be faster and more efficient than traditional installations.
For more information regarding Permeable Paving systems, check out:
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Series: